Prizes and Participations
go to the shop 2019 - IV Memorial Sergio Giromel at Villa Torresini Visnadello (TV)IV Memorial Sergio Giromel at Villa Torresini Visnadello (TV) presents Dr. Ombrezza Frezza on Saturday 8 June to Sunday 16 June 2019
2019 - The Return… personal church Giuseppini Spresiano (TV)2019 - The Return ... personal church Giuseppini Spresiano (TV) from 13 to 28 April pres. Sergio Favotto
2019 - The faces of the sacred Villa Cavalieri Arcade (TV) pres. Mattia de Luca2019 – The faces of the sacred Villa Cavalieri Arcade (TV) from 16 to 31 March pres. Mattia de Luca
2019 - Longarone Fair (BL)2019 – Longarone Fiera (BL) from 17 February to 25 March
2018 - Castelbrando (TV) Sergio Favotto presentation2018 – Castelbrando from 03 August to 02 September Sergio Favotto presentation
2019 - IV Memorial Sergio Giromel at Villa Torresini Visnadello (TV)IV Memorial Sergio Giromel at Villa Torresini Visnadello (TV) presents Dr. Ombrezza Frezza on Saturday 8 June to Sunday 16 June 2019
2018 - Austria Kunstmesse Dolomites2018 – Austria Kunstmesse Dolomiten from 13 April to 05 May 2018
2018 - Longarone Fair (BL)2018 – Longarone Fiera (BL) from 17 February to 25 March
2017 - Registration Monographic Archive of Italian art2017 – Registration Monographic Archive of Italian art year 2017/2018
2017 - Variations art event in San Severo al Pendino Naples (NA)2017 – Variations art event in San Severo al Pendino Naples (NA) from 11 to 26 October 2017
2017 - Feltre collective "WOMAN" Claudia Augusta gallery (BL)2017 – Feltre collective “WOMAN” Claudia Augusta gallery (BL) from 24/018 to 17/09
2017 - Personal exhibition with sculptor Betty Gobbo at Mecenate Tea Lounge TrevisoPersonal exhibition with sculptor Betty Gobbo at Mecenate Tea Lounge Treviso presentation of Ombretta Frezza from 1st to 30th April.
2017 - Second Sergio Giromel Memorial at Villa Torresini Visnadello (TV) from 07 to 18 June
2017 – Second Sergio Giromel Memorial at Villa Torresini Visnadello (TV) from 07 to 18 June.
Fair 1st retrospective presented by Lorena GavaFair 1st retrospective presented by Lorena Gava from 25 February to 5 March 2017.
2016 First Sergio Giromel Memorial at Villa Torresini Visnadello (TV)
2016 – First Sergio Giromel Memorial at Villa Torresini Visnadello (TV).
2016 - 27th Padua Art Exhibition2016 – 27th Padua Art Exhibition from 11 to 14 November.
2016 Personal exhibition in Cusignana (TV)2016 Solo exhibition in Cusignana (TV) from 11 to 22 August
2016 - 11th "ARTE FIERA DOLOMITI" FAIR in Longarone (BL)2016 – 11th “ARTE FIERA DOLOMITI” FAIR in Longarone (BL) 01-02-03 October.
2016 II° exhibition "Trivenetian Artists in Motta" (TV)2016 II° review "Triveneti Artists in Motta" from 16 April to 08 May
2016 Collective "Cavallino Treporti" (VE)2016 Collective "Cavallino Treporti" 19 March.
2015 Collective "CENACOLI D'ARTE" at Villa Guidini Zero Branco (TV)2015 Collective "CENACOLI D'ARTE" at Villa Guidini Zero Branco (TV) from 20 to 29 November.
2015 Group exhibition "CENACOLI D'ARTE" at Villa Guidini Zero Branco (TV) 2015 - Personal exhibition at "VILLA CAVALIERI" Arcade (TV)
Solo exhibition at “VILLA CAVALIERI” Arcade (TV) from 01/05 to 16/05 Lorena Gava.
2015 Group exhibition "CENACOLI D'ARTE" at the Banca Santo Stefano foundation in Martellago (VE)2015 – Group exhibition “CENACOLI D'ARTE” at the Banca Santo Stefano foundation in Martellago (VE) from 04 to 13 December.
2015 Group exhibition "ON THE WINGS OF LOVE" at the Royal Palace of Caserta (NA)Collective "ON THE WINGS OF LOVE" at Reggia di Caserta (NA) from 10 to 20 October.
2015 - Group exhibition "CENACOLI D'ARTE" at Tensile structure in the Trebaseleghe sports hall area (PD)Collective "CENACOLI D'ARTE" at Tensoistruttura sports hall area Trebaseleghe (PD) from 04 to 13 September.
2015 - Group exhibition "CENACOLI D'ARTE" at Tensile structure in the Trebaseleghe sports hall area (PD)Collective "CENACOLI D'ARTE" at Tensoistruttura sports hall area Trebaseleghe (PD) from 04 to 13 September.
2015 - Collective Exhibition at Barchessa Villa Concina Dolo (VE)Collective exhibition at Barchessa Villa Concina Dolo (Ve) from 21 March to 04 April
2015 - Group exhibition at the Antonio Canova Museum in Possagno (TV) with Vittorio Sgarbi.Group exhibition at the Antonio Canova Museum in Possagno (TV) from 09/05 to 02/06 with Vittorio Sgarbi.
2015 - Group exhibition "CENACOLI D'ARTE" at Villa Toffolo Cappella di Scorze' (VE)Collective "CENACOLI D'ARTE" at Villa Toffolo Cappella di Scorze' (VE) from 24 July to 3 August.
2015 - Collective at MILAN ART GALLERY in Milan (MI)Group exhibition at MILANO ART GALLERY in Milan (MI) from 07/03/ to 20/03/2015
2015 - Collective at the Giacomo Leopardi Art Gallery in Bologna (BO)Group exhibition at the Giacomo Leopardi art gallery in Bologna (BO) from 15/02 to 05/03/2015.
2015 - Group exhibition at MILAN ART GALLERY in Bassano (VI)Group exhibition at MILANO ART GALLERY in Bassano (VI) from 28/02/ to 29/03/2015.
2015 Group exhibition at the Antonio Canova Museum in Possagno (TV) With Vittorio Sgarbi.
2015 Group exhibition at the Antonio Canova Museum in Possagno (TV) from 09/05 to 02/06 With Vittorio Sgarbi.
Group exhibition at Gispoteca in Possagno "CONTEMPORARY REFLECTIONS" With Vittorio Sgarbi.Group exhibition at Gispoteca in Possagno "CONTEMPORARY REFLECTIONS" from 17/01 to 10/01 With Vittorio Sgarbi.
2014 - 16th Prize in the national competition of Fighille Citerna (Pg)16th Prize at the national competition of Fighille Citerna (Pg) September.
2014 - Group show at International Art View in Vienna, AustriaGroup show at International Art View in Vienna Austria September.
2014 - Group exhibition at Ass. Italiani nel Mondo in Arcade (TV)Group exhibition at Ass. Italiani nel Mondo in Arcade (TV) from 20/12/2014 to 06/01/2015
2014 - 13th Prize at the national competition of Buso (RO)2014 – 13th Prize at the national competition of Buso (RO) from 21 to 27/04/2014.
2013 - Group exhibition at the Fyrgallery of Shanghai CHINARO)Group exhibition at the Fyrgallery in Shanghai, China.
2013 - Personal Exhibition at the Municipality of Dolo (VE).)2013 – Personal Exhibition at the Municipality of Dolo (Ve) from 18 October to 21 November.
2013 - Collective exhibition at the Giol Foundation in San Polo di Piave (TV)Collective exhibition at the Giol Foundation in San Polo di Piave (Tv).
2013 - Collective exhibition at the Giol Foundation in San Polo di Piave (TV)Group show at International Art View in Vienna Austria September.
2013 - Collective exhibition at the Giol Foundation in San Polo di Piave (TV)2013 – 15th Prize in the national competition of Fighille Citerna (Pg) September.
2013 - Performance at the Maserati Treviso salon (TV)Performance at the Maserati Treviso salon (TV).
2013 - 22nd Prize Municipality of Sarezzo (Bs)22nd Prize Municipality of Sarezzo (Bs) 65 finalist works
2012 - Personal exhibition at Nano Visnadello restaurant (TV)Personal exhibition at restaurant da Nano Visnadello (TV).
2012 - 1st Prize at the IV Cimadolmo theme competition (TV)Sergio Giromel's research investigates a spiritual dimension of the Piave, calibrating the informal genre with the figurative. It highlights a page of visual writing of great dynamism, all played on the explosive patches of color of a color spread with controlled vigor. The work opens and concludes a path of sound variations, where color traces broad and symphonic modulations, making use of a profound pictorial culture. He does not choose to adhere to psychic automatisms, rather to obtain a high quality craftsmanship, because good painting should always comply with the founding rules of construction and a skilful exercise of manual skill. In the lyrical fervor of his expressiveness, the author has not erased the recognizable image: certain thematic cues allude to internalized situations or landscapes, outlining the stones, water and vegetation that make explicit their vital potential, almost as if they were ready to emerge as living presences.
The jury
Dr. Mara Campaner
Mr Francesco Fonzo
Dr. Marika Battistella
Reported at the 4th Art Festival 2012 city of Lendinara (Ro).
2012 - Personal exhibition at Restaurant da Nano Visnadello (TV)Personal exhibition at Restaurant da Nano Visnadello (Tv).
2012 - Lovat Villorba bookshop (Tv) Solo show and catalog presentation Gabriella Niero.Lovat Villorba bookshop (Tv) Solo show and catalog presentation Gabriella Niero.
2012 - Reported national painting competition 1st mini painting exhibition "S.Marco" Buso (Ro)Mentioned national painting competition 1st exhibition of mini paintings "S.Marco" Buso (RO).
2012 - 5th Prize at the 23rd National Competition "Piero della Valentina" Cordignano (Tv)5th Prize at the 23rd National Competition "Piero della Valentina" Cordignano (Tv).
2012 - Exhibition at the 7th Modern and Contemporary Art Fair Longarone (Bl)Exhibition at the 7th Modern and Contemporary Art Fair Longarone (BL).
2012 - 4th Prize at the 51st GBCromer National Competition Agna (PD).
4th absolute prize at the 51st GBCromer Agna (PD) national competition.
2012 - Group exhibition Prermio Contemporary Art city of Bibbiena 50 finalist works Arezzo
Group exhibition Prermio Contemporary Art city of Bibbiena 50 finalist works, Arezzo.
2012 - 14th Prize in the national competition of Fighille Citerna (PG).14th Prize at the national competition of Fighille Citerna (PG).
2012 - Italy United collective artists of the Triveneto Antico Lanificio Follina (TV)United Italy collective artists of the Triveneto Antico Lanificio Follina (TV), presents Ottorino Stefani.
2011 - Collective exhibition "Sala D'arme" Porta Santi Quaranta (TV)2011 – Collective exhibition “Sala D'arme” Porta Santi Quaranta (TV) presents Silvano Sartori.
2011 - 4th Prize ex aequo, national competition of painting, graphics and watercolor Jesolo (VE)4th Prize ex aequo, national competition of painting, graphics and watercolor Jesolo (VE).
2011 - Absolute prize in the national competition of painting, graphics and watercolor "Luigi Tito" Dolo (VE)Absolute prize national competition of painting, graphics and watercolor "Luigi Tito" Dolo (VE).
2011 - Neno Moretti Country art function exhibition (TV)Exhibition Function art Neno Moretti Paese (TV) Solo exhibition from 06 to 27 March Presentation by Francesca Cursi
2011 -1st place in the Beppi Spolaor award 18th conc. Nat. of art minipainting Mira (Ve)Mira, 01/05/2011
Motivation of the jury for the first prize:
For the compositional balance given to a natural glimpse that admirably blends the figurative language with the abstract one.
2011 - From the collective Arte Primavera San Vidal - tribute to Giuseppe Manoni… Sergio Giromel makes us dream of a Venice with a thousand faces.
Tita Bianchini
… Sergio Giromel belongs to a category of rigorous formalists who make the sign a cornerstone of their painting.
In these canvases Venice is described through an outline of urban situations that appear as the summation of a historical journey.
The styles of the buildings overlap like the cards in a deck to show us different cultural moments, enlivened by gratifying chromatic veils.
Ezio Zanesini
…. An overlap of lines and colors on the four oils on wood with a Venetian subject.
The artist restores the images of the city between past and present: how it was and how it is structured today.
You can read the chromatic preciousness of the palaces, when even the bell-shaped fireplaces, so dear to Carpaccio, were frescoed.
So here are glimpses, facades, noble houses on the Grand Canal and the golden St Mark's Basilica.
Everything becomes, in these works, a spiritualized image rendered with extreme finesse.
Francis Valma
2010 - 2nd Prize inter-company competition at the Marton bookshop (Tv)2nd Prize inter-company competition at the Marton bookshop (Tv)
2010 - Villa Caffo Navarrini Rossano Veneto (Vi) Group exhibition "The beauty of women from Giorgione to Fellini"Villa Caffo Navarrini Rossano Veneto (Vi) Group exhibition "The beauty of women from Giorgione to Fellini"
2010 - Market exhibition of modern and contemporary art Brugnera (PN)Market exhibition of modern and contemporary art Brugnera (Pn)
2010 - Villa Correr Pisani Biadene (TV) collective "Homage to Renzo Biasion"Villa Correr Pisani Biadene (Tv) collective "Homage to Renzo Biasion".
2009 Arcade ShowShow Arcade
2009 - At the restaurant Dalla Bianca Spresiano (TV) one-man showAt the restaurant halls Dalla Bianca Spresiano (TV) Personal
2009 - 3rd Prize inter-company competition at the Marton bookshop (TV)3rd Prize inter-company competition at the Marton bookshop (Tv)
2009 - Villa Benzi Caerano S. Marco (TV) Group exhibition "Futurism and Futurists"Villa Benzi Caerano S. Marco (TV) Collective "Futurism and Futurists"
2009 - Personal exhibition at the cultural hall of the Modena Hotel in Malcesine (Vr)Personal Exhibition at the cultural hall of the Modena Hotel in Malcesine (Vr)
2008 - Show ArcadeShow Arcade
2008 - 1st Prize inter-company competition at the Marton bookshop (Tv)1st Prize inter-company competition at the Marton bookshop (Tv)
2008 - ArtTime art gallery Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) Personal exhibitionArtTime art gallery Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) Personal exhibition
2007 Arcade Exhibition2007 09 12 Show Arcade
2007 - 3rd Prize inter-company competition at the Marton bookshop (Tv)3rd Prize inter-company competition at the Marton bookshop (Tv)
2007 - 3rd Exhibition of modern and contemporary art Longarone (BL)3rd Exhibition of modern and contemporary art Longarone (BL)
2006 - Villa Correr Pisani Biadene (TV) Collective the Gold of Byzantium in the light of VeniceVilla Correr Pisani Biadene (TV) Collective the Gold of Byzantium in the light of Venice
2005 - Casa "Gaia da Camin" Portobuffolè (TV) CollectiveHouse "Gaia da Camin" Portobuffolè (TV) Collective
2005 - Ottorino Stefani personal exhibition in SpresiaIn the novel the two companions, by Giovanni Comisso, two artists particularly loved by the sculptor are outlined with extraordinary anthropological and cultural truth: Nino Springolo and Gino Rossi.
Springolo, while feeling to renew the traditional language, on the examples of post-impressionism and divisionism, in the mature phase of his happy creative itinerary, manages to describe the reality of objects, flowers, landscape views and human figures with surprising truth naturalistic and, at the same time, with moving visual participation.
Gino Rossi, on the other hand, breaks with traditional schemes to intimately adhere to the artistic proposals of the historical avant-garde: symbolism, expressionism and cubism, transforming his language into linear and spatial chromatic rhythms that decant the real world until it appears as a new poetic dimension.
A dimension that Sergio Giromel pursues with extreme creative commitment in his painting, centered above all on the Veneto landscape, relived as a symbol of an internal and often restless metaphor of a life "suspended" between the external vision of the world and that dictated by the mysterious flow of the ' unconscious that transfigures real appearances into a set of fluctuating images.
Dark and disturbing shadows often loom in his paintings and the trees that rise thin from the ground, as if to defeat the sense of the material weight of things, become vibrant linear arabesques, charged with a strong passionate charge.
The tree thus becomes a metaphor for an existential condition evoking nostalgic existential reflections or dark dramatic atmospheres.
However, there are moments in which the artist from Spresia creates landscapes, such as spring on Montello in which nature seems like a delicate and sweet song: a reminder of a season dreamed of as the home of the pure beauty of colors with delicate and transparent tones.
Semenghini's lesson is reinvented through a graphic scheme of extreme linear elegance and mindful of the lessons of liberty and cubism.
A lesson that returns in the painting trees in the park, where the subtle and candid lyricism of the previous painting is transformed into a more compact compositional and atmospheric vision enhanced by the tonal values of the colors modulated on soft greens, pinks and browns, which "rise ” gradually towards a clear and clear sky like a delicate mirror of the soul.
A mirror which in the lunar nocturne becomes a melancholy and romantic reflection on the mystery of the night, on that "return of the shadow" which for Freud always means the disturbing presence of the thought of the scythe which "evens out all the herbs".
Giromel's “obsessive metaphors” are trees.
Trees felt like fantastic creatures eager to open outwards with their branches and foliage and, at the same time, eager to close in on themselves in the shape of a sphere.
In Sergio Giromel's landscapes they are often characterized by the presence of numerous bare trees and stems that taper downwards as if to free themselves from the weight of the material and wander towards the sky as if they were the mythical, whitish, kites of a child.
Trees, with rich circular-shaped foliage, which mark the seasons of nature and of the heart, touched by bright and transparent colours: memories of serene childhood, barely disturbed by some transparent shadow on the green meadows.
Trees that often "embrace" houses, painted in warm colors, but without windows, isolated and closed in on themselves like Morandi's famous bottles, or the beautiful still lifes that Giromel sometimes paints, taking up a Venetian and "naturalistic" key the lesson of Gino Rossi's post-cubism.
See, by the way, still life with coffee pot in which the geometric decomposition of the dark background creates an admirable contrast with the bright and harmonious close-ups.
Giromel's style, when dealing with the theme of the female nude, abandons itself to a thoughtful and lightly imbued inventive flair with subtle sensual ardor.
They are delicate images of female nudes, evoked through the filter of memory and liberty style.
They are images of a world in which nature and culture once again find the right expressive balance, recalling to our memory a beauty exalted by the great lessons of the past and transfigured by an authentic conceptual and poetic reflection.
Ottorino Stefani, Christmas 2005
2004 - Sketch made for the cover of the book "Atletica a Spresiano"Sketch made for the cover of the book “Atletica a Spresiano”.
2004 - Collective Casa Dei Carraresi (TV) Luigi PiancaWhen the volumes of the surrounding reality vanish in the vaporousness of colour, then one enters a dreamy and dreamy atmosphere and finds oneself in the scenes evoked by the light hand of Sergio Giromel. The spectator watches, interprets and understands what he himself would not be able to reproduce. This is how the tangle of the wood, with the vertical stems stiffened by time, finds its outlet in the vaporous foliage that immerses itself in the soft blues of the sky, in a dreamlike free rein. The same goes for the apparent concreteness of still lifes; just when the concrete marries with the abstract and becomes elevation, a creative marriage, the eye welcomes the heaviness of the material, while the imagination moves in the dream atmosphere, unrepeatable intuition of the mind. The secret of this artist's exhilarating expressive effort is contained within the double track of marked reality and dream realized in the authenticity of the painting.
Luigi Pianca, June 2004
2003 - 1st Prize Treviso Intercompany Competition Jury: Romano Abate, Lorenzo Viola1st Prize Treviso Intercompany Competition Jury: Romano Abate, Lorenzo Viola
2003 - 2nd Prize at the 9th Cimadolmo painting competition (TV)MOTIVATION OF THE JURY FOR THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE 2nd PRIZE. Gina Roma, Gianni Ambrogio, Francesca Magnano
In a precious and calibrated Pre-Raphaelite architecture, colour
it crystallizes among the fronds, inside the dense water, in the atmosphere
saturated with steam.
The author intones skilful chromatic rhymes on the landscape with a single,
fluid luminous rhythm thus celebrating, with whispered and romantic poetry, our deep and ancient bond with Venetian landscape painting.
09/28/2003 Cimadolmo
2002 - Osram Batacchi Magnolato (TV)2002 24 11 Osram Batacchi Magnolato
2002 - Villa Benzi Caerano S. Marco (TV) CollectiveVilla Benzi Caerano S. Marco (TV) Collective
2001 - 3rd Osram prize, Jury: Achille Costi Ernesto Marchesini Francesca CursiTHIRD prize Osram, Jury: Achille Costi Ernesto Marchesini Francesca Cursi
25 - 11 - 2001
2001 - Personal exhibition at an artisan exhibition in Visnadello (TV).Exhibition at the craft exhibition of Visnadello (TV) Personal exhibition
2000 - First prize Osram Renato De Giorgis Mario MartinelliOsram Renato De Giorgis Mario Martinelli First Prize 19 – 11 – 2001
1999 - Osram Renato Borsato Ludovico De Luigi reportedOsram Renato Borsato Ludovico De Luigi reported 21 – 11 – 1999
1998 - Spresiano group showCollective Spresiano December 1998
1998 - 1st Prize Treviso Intercompany Competition Jury: Franco Anselmi, Matteo Massagrande1st Prize Treviso Intercompany Competition Jury: Franco Anselmi, Matteo Massagrande
1998 - 1st Prize Palazzo dei Trecento Competition (TV)1st Prize Palazzo dei Trecento Competition (TV)
1998 - Osram Franco Anselmi Matteo Massagrande First PrizeOsram Franco Anselmi Matteo Massagrande First Prize
1997 - Purchase prize at the National Competition of Cordignano (TV)
Purchase prize National Competition of Cordignano (Tv)
1997 - 6th Prize at the 2nd National Competition of Zoppola (PN)6th Prize at the 2nd National Competition of Zoppola (PN)
1997 - 1st Prize Treviso Intercompany Competition Jury: Olimpia Biasi, Paolo del Giudice, Francesco Stefanini1st Prize Treviso Intercompany Competition Jury: Olimpia Biasi, Paolo del Giudice, Francesco Stefanini
1996 - Osram Antonio Buso Francesco Michelin First PrizeOsram Antonio Buso Francesco Michelin FIRST Prize
November 21, 1996
1996 - 4th Prize at the Volpago National Competition (Tv)
4th prize national competition Volpago (TV)
1996 - Collective review Palazzo dei Trecento (TV)Collective review Palazzo dei Trecento (TV)
1995 - 2nd Prize Treviso inter-company competition Jury: Gina Roma, Toni Benetton2nd Prize Treviso inter-company competition Jury: Gina Roma, Toni Benetton
1995 - 1st Prize Triveneto competition Cavrie (TV)
1st Prize Triveneto competition Cavrie (TV)
1994 - 2nd Prize in the CRO Osram competition (Tv) Jury: Carmelo Zotti
2nd Prize CRO Osram competition (TV) Jury: Carmelo Zotti
1994 - La Roggia art gallery (TV) Personal exhibition
Art Gallery La Roggia (TV) Solo exhibition
1993 - 5th Prize CRO Osram competition (TV) Jury : Luigi Rincicotti
5th Prize CRO Osram competition (TV) Jury : Luigi Rincicotti
1993 - Personal Cultural Center Pero (TV).Pero Cultural Center (TV) Personal
1992 - Cà dei Carraresi (TV) CollectiveCà dei Carraresi (TV) Collective
1992 - 3rd Prize ex aequo in the CRO Osram competition (TV) Jury: Renato Varese3rd Prize ex aequo competition CRO Osram (TV) Jury: Renato Varese
1992 - GAV competition purchase prize (TV)1992 – GAV competition purchase prize (TV)
1991 - Personal exhibition Spresiano FavottoStaff Spresiano Favotto.
1991 - 1st Prize ex aequo competition CRO Osram (TV))1st Prize ex aequo competition CRO Osram (Tv) Jury: Lino Dinetto
September Treviso summer prize 1991
1991 - Prize for the purchase of the minipainting competition at the La Roggia art gallery (TV)
Prize for the purchase of the minipainting competition at the La Roggia art gallery (TV)
1991 - Spresiano Auditorium (TV) Solo exhibition
Auditorium Spresiano (TV) Personal
1990 - 1st Prize in the CRO Osram competition (Tv) Jury: Gianni Ambrogio
1st Prize in the CRO Osram competition (TV) Jury: Gianni Ambrogio
1990 - La Roggia art gallery (TV) Personal exhibitionArt Gallery La Roggia (TV) Solo exhibition
1990 - Triveneto competition purchase prize Cavrie (TV)Triveneto competition purchase prize Cavrie (TV)
1989 - Purchase prize at the 2nd Prize Estate Trevigiana La Roggia art gallery (TV)Purchase prize, at the 2nd Trevigiana Summer Prize, La Roggia Art Gallery (TV)
1989 - 3rd Prize CRO Osram competition (TV) Jury: Renato Nesi
3rd prize CRO competition Osram (TV) Jury: Renato Nesi
1989 - Palazzo dei Trecento City of Treviso award1989 – Palazzo dei Trecento City of Treviso award.
1988 - 1st Prize in the CRO Osram Competition (TV) Jury: Ottorino Stefani1st Prize CRO Osram Competition (TV) (Jury: Ottorino Stefani)
1988 - 3rd Prize at the 1st Summer Trevigiana Prize, La Roggia Art Gallery (TV)3rd Prize at the 1st Prize Estate Trevigiana, La Roggia Art Gallery (TV)
1987 - Extempore purchase of Crocetta del MontelloExtempore purchase prize of Crocetta del Montello
1987 - Extempore purchase prize from Spresiano (TV)Spresiano Extempore Purchase Award (Tv)